Tuesday, March 1, 2011

because there are so many other things i should be doing...

ummm i just realized that my phone has a "saved messages" feature and there are tons of saved text messages in there.  of mine of course, but since i didn't even know it could do that, i'm not sure how they ended up saved.  let's just say it was awesome to reread some stuff and (because, as previously mentioned, i prefer to textually communicate at all times) embarrassing to remember some of the interesting convo's i've had...here's some of the great one liners i found...out of context so they are even that much better...

*"Pinkberry delivers!"
*"How is Renaissance homosexuality coming along?"
*"Stop f-ing texting"
*"Santa doesn't bring me food in the middle of October"
*"Should be about noodles.  Or bras"
*"Swimsuit bubble bath.  Just named it"
*"Watch your back and look for my icy stare when I see you"
*"The only one I've ever been to was the naked one"
*"Do I need to talk you into it?"
*"I'm usually not very lucky.  I like to refer to it as skill"
*"You're kinda like yoda to me"
*"I have big hips though"
*"I hate freshmen"
*"I'm just a little guy that's not very tough looking.  You look like you could beat some people"
*"Every girl likes a little slap in the right setting"
*Weird.  Were you just like...dang I miss his pants"


love& stuff~