Sunday, February 27, 2011

Someday Girl...

"and I'd be happy to adore him from a distance,
but knowing he adores me from a distance,
makes this hard."
~Stolen by Julie Moffit

As usual I'm defining my current life situations with song lyrics...

I'm reading a book for class right now called Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book.  No joke.  That's what it's called.  I'm only on page 14 and it. is. awesome.  I'm so in love with literature right now that all it takes is a really well written sentence to make my eyes well up with tears.  Yes it's true.  I'm a huge book dork.

The narrator has a dream girl that he is waiting to meet.  He calls her Someday Girl.  "O Someday Girl, find him and admire him for his interests.  And dig his allusions.  And laugh sincerely at his jokes."  I get it.  I totally want to be his Someday Girl...or maybe I'm the one looking for a Someday Boy...or maybe I already found him...but probably not. 

There is a Right Now Boy.  Who has become such an important part of my life in the last few years that he has become an important part of me.  He can't be my Someday Boy though and that makes it even harder to know that I'm going to have to be someone else's Someday Girl.  Love sucks.  And it's hard.  But I hear it's supposed to be worth it...I'm learning a HUGE amount of hard life lessons right now.  I'm in the rough stage where I'm still sticking my hand on the stove to test the heat.  I know it's going to burn.  Everybody told me it's going to burn, but I think I have to experience it for myself to really learn my lesson. 

Why is it that I still go through with all of this when I know how it's going to end?  Because he has saved me.  More times than I can count.  More times than he knows.

"Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with." ~Juno.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What you don't know is...

I love going to the dentist.  LOVE it.  Especially when I have a cavity.  It's a good pain.

I hate reading things that are assigned to me.  If you told me I was going to be graded on reading my favorite book, I wouldn't read it.

I love learning.  I cried after I left my last art history class because I knew I would never sit in a classroom and learn about Dutch paintings again.

I crave diet coke like a drug addict craves heroin.  I'm trying hard to quit.  But I'm about to go buy one right now.

I'd rather text someone than call them.  Even before texting existed I hated phone calls.  Texting is the best.

If a boy I like sends me good morning texts or I miss you texts, I basically fall in love.  Basically.

I'm double majoring and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.  And I'm pretty sure I'm grown up.  Oops.

I love building forts and having sleepovers and watching 90's chick flicks.  Maybe I haven't quite grown up yet afterall.

I lose interest in a guy if they don't like sports.  I dated a guy who wanted to go see a movie during the last game of the world series.  We aren't dating anymore.

In my house, the Superbowl is bigger than Christmas.  You show up, you dress in the right colors, and you don't speak during the really good parts.  I actually didn't attend any Christmas family events this year.  Nobody noticed.  But I wasn't planning on being home for the Superbowl and I was almost disowned.

I would rather be dirt poor and live in my parents basement but have travelled to every country than to be rich and bored.

I'm listening to Adele's new album right now.  Shoot.  Go get it.

love& stuff :)