Tuesday, September 7, 2010


1.  My Roman history teacher.  Not in that way silly.  He's smart.  Sooo smart.
2.  "Begin Again" by Colbie Caillat -... "This is not the way that it should end, it's the way it should begin..."
3.  Pumpkin Pie pop tarts.  In.love.
4.  Season 1 of Gilmore Girls.  It will always be the best one :)
5.  Having gigantic crushes on doctors, firemen, the fabulously tattooed guy that sits in front of me in Roman history, and the boise state wide receiver.  Who cares that they have no idea I exist?
6.  Jainah.  She's like a real little person now. 
7.  Pistachios.  I have no idea why I never tried them before.  Better than doritos.
8.  OPI nail polish in "the color to watch".  Pretty...
9.  NYX eyeshadow in "flamingo".  It's kind of holographic?
10.  Forbidden text messages from someone that makes me smile.

Happy day after labor day!!!
(and day after bsu made some magic on the field)

wide receiver crush ;)

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