things i of April 25th...subject to change...
*This Anberlin song: Paperthin Hymn (hence the title of this post... "I thought you said forever over and over") It reminds of me of lunch breaks with Catey 4 years ago...
*Miriam. She fixed my million dollar boots in less than 10 seconds. Because she's Miriam and I knew she could.
*That I can count the days I have left in my linguistics class on ONE hand
*Two hour long conversations about things that we hate...mixed with way too much caffeine and way too much giggling and dirty jokes...
*Dirty jokes
*Early morning hikes before anyone else is out.
*80's and 90's movie marathons. Just knocked out all 4 Screams and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Moving on to Jurassic Park and I Know What You Did Last Summer.
*KNOWING that I look like the creepy girl crawling out of the well on The Ring when I wake up and being pleasantly surprised walking past a mirror and realizing that washing my face before bed DOES work sometimes!
*Peanut butter banana toast
*Rediscovering my love for Seth Cohen
*Tuesday/Thursday early morning study dates with the criminal justice majors. they are more fun than english majors.
what's irritating me right now...also subject to change
*That it is literally 80 degrees in this room (it is i checked) and I'm practically sweating, but my feet are freezing.
*People that get married / engaged / procreate and suddenly have new facebook and blog identities. Like Sara Jones married Bobby Wright and their facebooks merge to become Sara and Bobby Wright. Sick. Or Sara Wright has babies and suddenly she is Jason and Sophie's mom. Sicker.
*Unnecessary road rage. I'm all for necessary and passive aggressive road rage that no one else can see, but flipping people off if you're over the age of 15? Grow up people.
*That I'm in a strange town right now and I can't find a Starbucks.
*This act of God weather we've been having. I just need it to be like 10 degrees warmer ok? Then it can rain and hail all you want.
*That when my phone wakes me up in the middle of the night I have completely forgotten how to use it. So I end up calling a random person, texting back something in another language, and not finding the off switch for the alarm so I just rip the battery off. Not good when I need the alarm an hour later.
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