Thursday, February 18, 2010


So I'm having one of those senior year style panic attacks...I have realized, probably much too late, that I may or may not (hence the confusion) like art history.  Sure I enjoy looking at and learning about art.  But I'm coming to the terrifying conclusion that looking and learning may be as far as I want to go.  basically i'm not sure i'm ready to marry this art history thing and commit to an eternity of grad school.  So as I slooooowly make my way to the middle of the year and prepare to graduate, all I feel is stuck.  I know that I want to move back to New York, and I know without any doubt or confusion at all that my life as a waitress must be done.  I have given that relationship 6 whole years of my life and while it has taught me invaluable lessons about character and perseverance, it has drained me to my very last drop of dignity and patience.  I want to move to New York and I want someone to say "hey meaghan i have the perfect job for you!"  I want to work an 8 - 5 job.  I want nights off to go on a date or hang out with friends.  I want to know what the weekend looks like outside of a restraunt.  I want a "real job" and at this point in my confusion filled life, I'm not sure I even care what kind of job it is.  I'm back to square one, and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up.

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