I like lists. Here's a great one of some of the crap I've realized since moving to NY.
1. I don't like sleeping in. How many of you just fell off your chairs? Ha it's true. I absolutely hate sleeping in past 9:00 or so. For someone who used to sleep for days if there was nothing better to do, this is quite a confession.
2. I'm not sure what the world sounds like without my ipod playing. It is constantly attatched to my head and when it dies and I have to recharge it I literally feel withdrawal pains. My fall soundtrack right now:
*"I Won't Disagree" by Kate Voegele
*"Simple As It Should Be" by Tristan Prettyman
*"Love Remains The Same" by Gavin Rossdale
*"Rooftops" by Lost Prophets
*"The Chinatown Bus" by Bishop Allen
*"Eyes" by Rogue Wave
*"1901" by Phoenix
*"Race You Back Home" by Elizabeth and the Catapult
*"How The Day Sound" by Greg Laswell
*"Taking Chances" by Vedera
*"Empire State of Mind" by Jay Z (i think i would be shot if i didn't love this song)
*"Ferris Wheels" by I Am Kloot
*"Paparazzi" by Lada Gaga (duh)
3. I hate yoga. I know it's one of those things I am supposed to like, but seriously. I think I'm a little too immature for it. I just end up giggling halfway through. I don't feel better or stronger or more limber after I do it. I just feel like an idiot the whole time.
4. I love Jonathan Rhys Myers. LOVE. Is there a word stronger than love? I just watched Vanity Fair for the millionth time. I still don't know what that movie is about, but JRM has this crazy hair mohawk thing going on. I love him. I think I may have seen every movie he has ever been in. We are pretty much engaged.

(I mean, right?)
5. I also love James Franco. He and I go back a little farther than Johnathan and I do. All the way back to Freaks and Geaks. That's love baby.
6. Personal space means absolutely nothing anymore. It doesn't matter where I am, waiting to cross the street, in line for some magnolias, and especially on the subway, people will basically sit in my lap and I hardly notice. I like the subway. Cute boys ride the subway.
7. I like making people deliver my food. I get a rush out of it. I will even make West Way Cafe deliver and they aren't even a full block away from my apartment. Sometimes when all I want is a diet coke I order Empire Corner just so somebody else will bring it to me. Sooo worth it.
8. I hate professional pictures of babies. I know it doesn't really go with my whole "I want to be a photographer" gig, but I really hate them. New babies are kind of creepy with weird alien heads and skinny arms and legs sticking out all over the place. (Bring on the shocked voices) Plus it's hard to maneuver them into very many positions so the same pictures get taken over and over and over again. and again. Boring. I seriously want to slap the people that put the "special delivery" sign on their kids backs. So over it. Can I tell people that I refuse to photograph their child until it can at least sit up on its own?
9. I heart New York. I know everybody hearts New York, but I seriously seriously do. I thought I did before, and then I thought I seriously hated it, but now I am in love. It smells like fall and there are leaves everywhere...and you can't beat a starbucks in every other building just bursting with carmel apple cider.
I've been walking home from school alot lately. Don't ask me why. If you know New York at all, you know it is FAR....like other side of the world far. I think I've just realized that it's almost over and I want to take in all I can. I love Central Park. She's up there with JRM and cupcakes.
10. Book stores are my new favorite obsession. I can't get enough. I will even browse the same books in different bookstores because I like the cover. And at barnes and noble there is the added bonus of starbucks :)
Well that's it for now! I've got a lot more to talk about and I totally will be back soon!
LOve and stuff...